Songs I Sing and Play

Songs I Sing and Play


These are the lyrics and melodies that I like keeping playing and singing. I have a slightly peculiar way of visualising music theory which you can find here (at some point). For now I will briefly describe my system of notation. I use the solfege system with the extra notes: Do (Di/Ra) Re (Ri/Me) Mi Fa (F/eFi) So (Se/Si) La (Le/Li) Ti Do. These are used irrespective of scale and with this I aim to compare the underlying patterns between chords and melodies.

Each Solfege letter set between a small dash is a word, if there are multiple notes within a short time I try to combine the letters within the bracket. The DiatonicAny note within the typical 7 note pattern of Western Music. On a keyboard: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-... : In the solfege system Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do... : This pattern can be started on any note, and if the pattern is preserved then the notes can be considered to be diatonic. notes are written with just their capitals, and the Non-Diatonic are specified. Hovering over bold letters will show a suggested note or chord to play underneath that and the following section. Remeber, everything is approximate! Sorry. Lyrics are underneath, with annotations for potentially complicated words or interpretations. Sometimes I have changed or made up lyrics to match how I like to sing them (folk doctrine).


Greensleeves, or; A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves

A song sometimes thought to be written by (yet appraently disproven) King Henry VIII, for one of his beheaded love interests.

Mode: Aeolian, with extra Se & Si, or; 6, and Major 7th on chord
Tonality Map: 1-2-b3-4-5-#5-6-b7-7

L-D-R-M-FM-R-T-S : L-T-D-L-L-S-L-T-S-M
L-D-R-M-FM-R-T-S : L-T-D-L-Si-Si-Se-Si-L-L
S-S-S-F-M-R-S : L-T-D-L-L-S-L-S-M
S-S-S-F-M-R-S : L-T-D-L-Si-Si-Se-Si-L

afgaewhfahoawe : agewikaaggabae and the bridles ring
aakfhdsnfbaib : aiefueywafiagefaigaw