Last Call at the South Sea Hotel

In Search of Patroklus


"In Search of Patroklus"

This is the script to the film. It is in a very simple format.

Scene 1: The Lighthouse

Hello Doctor
Yes this is Patroklus, a very grey day we're having you're right
I wouldn't to make you get the horses out on a day like this
But something's wrong, I think, I woke up this morning with a wound in my side
A slit, leaking blood, and I think it's very deep
It runs numbly all the way to my back
You'll come to see me?

Thank you doctor
The medicine worked more or less but I got sicker.
It kept me out in the rain, painting, I thought that was the real issue
Out around the lighthouse in the cold and the rain
Salt in my lungs
I'll be finished soon, but there's allways a little more to do
I can't remember when I started

You know the odd thing is Doctor
When I touch it, shapes flash before me
A voice, from over the short sea
A song rthym
πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης εἰς σὲ ἔρχομαι
I can't pronounce it the way they do
A dip in the water?
No of course not I'll stay right here
It's nonsense, and yet a kind of logic to the words
I was wondering if perhaps, as a man of letters
They might mean anything to you?
No? of course not, very well doctor I shall wait
3 oclock, for you

Scene 2: The Beach - Bird